

Booomers Bamboo Bikes are distributed worldwide by our professional distributors and agents. Please contact a distributor near to you with all your Booomers Bikes needs.


My Boo GmbH
Neufeldtstr. 7
24118 Kiel
Email: contact@my-boo.de
Tel: +49 431 - 221 392 60

North America Agents

1024 Water Garden Circle
Little Elm, TX 75068
Tel: +1-817-896-2324
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 8:00am – 6:00pm


Matt Westlake
Canmore, Alberta. Canada
Email: mwestlakephoto@gmail.com
Tel: +1-403-493-9900
Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday, 8:00am – 6:00pm



We are Africa’s biggest manufacturer of bamboo framed bicycles. Our production is based in Ghana. Building on our success in exporting to European markets, we are seeking wholesale distributors. Our bikes are beautiful and of high quality


We are a social enterprise providing work for youth in rural Ghana as well as supporting education. We currently have a range of bikes in our portfolio including E-bikes.


We are looking for distributors who have the following attributes:


1. Believes in social impact and wants to be associated with a social enterprise delivering change in Africa.


2. Loves bikes and already has a successful business in the industry


3. Has the capital, networks and commitment to be a strong partner in building our market and sales in North America. .


Likely partners are bike wholesalers or retail chains. We are open to discussion on partnerships.


In Europe, we produce frames exclusively for the My Boo brand, the biggest and most successful bamboo bicycle sales company in the world. In North America, our brand is sold under Pampro Bikes and we are currently looking for retailers to present the Pampro brand.


If you are excited by this unique opportunity, send us an email at info@booomers.com or  on Facebook.


Want to become a distributor or retailer in North America or outside Europe? Contact us today and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

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